Holiday rentals Risoul

Alpissime is a French platform created in Savoie in 2006. It is also one of the first concierge services in the mountains.

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French platform created in Savoie in 2006

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Discover the resort Risoul
OPENING : FROM 12/12/20 TO 18/04/21
Ski resort Risoul :
Domain : La Forêt Blanche
Low altitude : 1850m
High altitude : 2750m
Km of slopes : 185
Green slopes : 21
Blue slopes : 45
Red slopes : 40
Black slopes : 10
Accessibility :
by road : from GRENOBLE RN 85 ( 160 km )from Marseille ( A51 ) exit LA SAULCE 100 km from RISOUL and then RN94 By bus : MARSEILLE 237 km with a direct bus "les navettes blanches" 04 42 14 30 00 on saturdayBy train : direct train from MARSEILLE to MONTDAUPHIN ( and then from the station to our resort link by bus ) and direct train from PARIS to MONTDAUPHIN
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